Embrace Sweets

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Back to the Blog, Back to Myself

Dedicato a mia sorella, Amanda.

OMG, it's been FOREVER I know.. Let me re-introduce myself, I'm Brandi the self-proclaimed Foodie, Oenophile, Tango dancer, World traveler and of course Co-owner of Embrace Sweets.  It's my pleasure to meet you (again). Piacera!  So what's going on? Well how about I just start at the beginning - the brownie biz has definitely been kicking our butts, but going well. We've taken our act on the road and started participating in events across the state. A lot of fun, a lot of new exposure and as always very time consuming.

In this wonderful way however I've discovered quite a bit about myself, our business, our customers and what it really means to live.  No matter the city we're in, brownies are brownies and everyone who tries one of ours 9 out 10x will have the same expression.  Utter pleasure.  This is a truly wonderful thing. Over the past few months Mum and I haven't had much time for us - we've deprived you from the glorious foods in LA and reading about our indulgent experiences.  We've seen maybe two movies in 4-5 months and well I just haven't had a really good glass of wine in one to many nights. It's really a shame; but I tell you this, it has not been in vain! :-)

I'm determined more than ever to follow my heart; to eat, drink, laugh, love, play and indulge whenever possible in life.  I recently came across another blog called, The Bleeding Espresso, I am hooked - it's about this woman who packs up her life and moves to Italy.  I have often thought of this, and although at the 'current' moment that is not an option it is quite spectacular living vicariously through her and her words. She speaks about how Italy taught her to slow down, to breathe to take a moment (be in the moment) and I do believe that is something we all are guilty of not doing.  It's so important and we know this but some how work and responsibilities gets in the way.  What I really like about her blog is that she's honest and she doesn't call her life, La Dolce Vita - no, she calls it La (Agro)Dolce Vita (The Bittersweet Life).  I love that, because no one is saying it needs to be all sweet, all the time- taking the sweet and the (not so) sweet is what gives us character and strength.

I read a quote the other day that said something to the tone of, "You can try and change the world (everyone else) or you can change yourself... do what's easiest!"  I elect to do what's easiest and Be The Change.

It's really amazing when you truly and honestly make a decision to do something- you can feel it in your entire body.  It's almost like the world shifted a bit and you're not quite in the same place but everything is still there and looks familiar. So what's the first step? I'm making a list, and top of my list is to 1. Learn Italian! I know I know many of you are probably thinking "but you live in LA, learn Spanish!" NO! My heart wants Italian, my soul is screaming for Italian and ultimately I will be in Italy and Italian will come in quite handy.

2. Get back to Yoga - Mum and I finished a great festival last weekend down near San Diego and on our way back we stopped in this great little town called Cardriff-by-the-Sea (literally) and I discovered the most beautiful, wonderful Yoga store/studio.  Jois Yoga - It's an Ashtanga studio (which if you live here in LA and practice you know how difficult it is to find one) and it's co-owned by the Sri K.Pattabhi Jois foundation.  Jois passed away May 18th, 2009 and his grandson (R. Sharath Jois) is continuing the tradition and teachings. The studio had such an amazing energy to it, it instantly felt warm and welcoming and was obviously ready to do some yoga.  I couldn't stay but I did buy a DVD of one of his classes.  I never got a chance to practice w/ Pattabhi Jois but watching him and his grandson on the DVD was definitely the next best thing.

3. Reconnect w/friends - it's so easy to Poke on Facebook, Tweet a shout out even send an email but I don't know about you but actually making a plan to meet up with a friend feels almost like pulling teeth.  My family is very limited and my friends are my sisters and brothers and their kids my nieces and nephews - so being a part of their lives and staying connected is 'molto importante' very important.

Alright (Tutto bene) that's what I'm going to leave you with today.  I hope this sparks something in some of you who also feel over worked, stressed and just need a change.  You have to be it for yourself. You have to make the decision but make it with intention. 

Go do something! Till next time. Ciao Tesoro, fino alla prossima volta (till next time)